B E H I N D  T H E  B U R L E S Q U E .

S t o r i e s  o f  B u r l e s q u e  A r t i s t s  A n d  T h e  W o r l d  O f  B u r l e s q u e .

#Story 1. Like A Cotton Candy.

„Burlesque is five hours of preparing for five-minute performance.“

„You do it because when you are on stage you live.“

#Story 2. Like Singing Of A Bird. #Manon

#Story 3.#Linda

„Love is the most important thin in my life, the basic necessity of love. Partner love is the most important for me. I have always had a long-term relationship, love motivates me the most in my life.“

#Story 4. #Michaela. Burlesque Motherhood.


„In Burlesque I can show all freely, all sides of me. Burlesque is the way to find the way to your body, your soul, self-acceptance, freedom. Self-love is the most important thing, if you don´t love yourself, you can not give enough love to another person.“



„Burlesque teached me to love myself, I grew up in a religious family, what is „normal“? I don´t like „boxing“.



„The absence of my father in my childhood, his lack of interest in me, influenced my choice of life partners for my whole life. They are all unavailable, just as father was.“

For more photographs from my archive please contact me.